Friday, April 10, 2009

Nemlikuran, a monthly modern tradition of the Solonese

March 26th 2009. I was in Solo for about a week and I was lucky enough to visit the Sekolah Menengah Karawitan (SMK) to watch the monthly show which has been around for 5 years.. They call it, Nemlikuran. Every 26th day of each month, the best traditional performers around Java would come and perform in SMK in order to conserve the Javanese performing arts. I chose to sit on the floor cause I had my SLR Camera with me and I wanted to take some kick*ss pictures, HOWEVER... even Pak Wahyu, a lecturer in ISI (Indonesian Institute of the Arts) was surprised that I survived sitting down on the floor for two hours. To be honest I was surprised too.. My bum was numb after an hour, but I am willing to suffer for my art, ha ha ha (pshshsh). However, the pain wasn't so bad because the performances were awesooooome.... and this is on every month! WHY DON'T I LIVE IN SOLO??? (well.. first, I have to get my Javanese right.. )